To make customized 1-75 or 1-90 number bingo cards please use our 1-75 Bingo Generator. Super Mario Odyssey Bingo myfreebingocards. My socials:Twitch: Odyssey bingo card with Sand World Peace, Ten moons in Cascade, Four goomba moons, Five chest moons, Twelve shop moons, New Donk festival, Collect 500 coins, Buy 15 unique outfits, 30 regional coins in sand and 150 overall regional coins. com Safety First! Before you print all your bingo cards, please print a test page to check they come out the right size and color. Super Mario Odyssey Challenges bingo card with 3 Sub Areas (Metro), 2 Talkatoo Moons (Wooded), 2 Sub Areas (Cascade), 15 Moons (Bowsers), 20 Regionals (Lake), 10 Moons (Lake), 5 Talkatoo Moons (Luncheon), All Story Moons (Sand), 1 Moon (Cloud) and All Story Moons (Luncheon). Inclusive a 100%, to complete all the card with all the 25. Play Online. Bingo Card Generator. Bingo Card Generator. Call List. This bingo card has 30 words: Dark side all moons, Do the festable, Get 150 on jump rope, Get 300 moons, Do frog part in cap kingdom without frog, Get all purple coins in lake kingdom, Moon. This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: 3 Hintart moons, 10 Chest moons, Capture Glydon, 3 KoopaFreeruns, Cascade Kingdom all. Super Mario Odyssey Challenges bingo card with 3 Sub Areas (Metro), 2 Talkatoo Moons (Wooded), 2 Sub Areas (Cascade), 15 Moons (Bowsers), 20 Regionals (Lake), 10 Moons (Lake), 5 Talkatoo Moons (Luncheon),. This is a bingo board for Super Mario 64. LBLJ and SBLJ are *NOT* allowed. Super Mario Odyssey Bingo Make printable and virtual bingo cards Make your own bingo cards with this free, simple app. Active Rooms Room Creator Game; 1: 1:. Super Mario Odyssey Bingo bingo card with 100 Moons, World Peace (Metro), 4 Warp Paintings, 200 regional coins, Arrival at Rabbit Ridge (Multi Moon), 1000 total coins, 3 full costumes, 5 stickers, 20 unique captures and 7 souvenirs. This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: World Peace (Sand), 10 Moons (Cascade), All Regional Coins (Cascade), 4 Timer Challenges, 27 Moons (Sand), 7 Timer Challenges, World Peace (Wooded), 2 Warp Paintings, 18 Moons (Lost), 3 Stickers, 150 Regional Coins, 6 Checkpoints (Sand), Plant 5 Seeds, Buy 4. Preview. Bingo Card Generator. Super Mario Oddyssey Bingo. This bingo card has a free space and 29 words: 3 Sub Areas (Metro), 2 Talkatoo Moons (Wooded), 2 Sub Areas (Cascade), 15 Moons (Bowsers), 20 Regionals (Lake), 10 Moons. . Bingo Card Generator. Bingosync. Super Mario Odyssey Challenges bingo card with 3 Sub Areas (Metro), 2 Talkatoo Moons (Wooded), 2 Sub Areas (Cascade), 15 Moons (Bowsers), 20 Regionals (Lake), 10 Moons (Lake), 5 Talkatoo Moons (Luncheon), All Story Moons (Sand), 1 Moon (Cloud) and All Story Moons (Luncheon). Super Mario Odyssey Bingo. Our bingo card generator randomizes your words or numbers to make unique, great looking bingo cards. Watch a demo. This bingo card has 25 words: 30 regional coins (sand), All moons (cascade, All Regional Coins (Cascade), 2 timer challenges (wooded), 30 moons (sand), 7 Timer Challenges, World Peace (Wooded), 2 Warp Paintings, 18 Moons (Lost), 3 Stickers, 150 Regional Coins, 6 Checkpoints (Sand), 1 Moon (Cap, Plant 5 Seeds, Buy 4. Mario Odyssey BINGO bingo card with Hauptquest Wüste (WorldPeace), 25 Lila Coins Kaskaden- Land, Wolkenland Bowser Besiegt, 3 Gemälde Monde, Forstland Broodal, City Land Wiggler, Lost Kingdom verlassen, 187 Coins, 3 Schatztruhen Monde and 2 Nut MondeSuper Mario Odyssey Bingo Board bingo card with Beat the game killing as much as possible, Control the game with your feet, Hold Controller Upside Down, Beat the game without using the Right Stick, Get 5 Moons from Talkatoo, Beat the game without touching water, Plant 10 Seeds, Collect 5 Moons with your Button Mapping Randomized, Beat. Start from a new file and reset on GO! You are done when you collect the final bowser star to beat the game, with all 5 objectives completed. Super Mario Odyssey Bingo Board bingo card with Beat the game killing as much as possible, Control the game with your feet, Hold Controller Upside Down, Beat the game without using the Right Stick, Get 5 Moons from Talkatoo, Beat the game without touching water, Plant 10 Seeds, Collect 5 Moons with your Button Mapping Randomized, Beat. Bingo Card Generator. Bingo Card Generator. Clone. Super Mario Odyssey Challenges bingo card with 3 Sub Areas (Metro), 2 Talkatoo Moons (Wooded), 2 Sub Areas (Cascade), 15 Moons (Bowsers), 20 Regionals (Lake), 10 Moons (Lake), 5 Talkatoo Moons (Luncheon), All Story Moons (Sand), 1 Moon (Cloud) and All Story Moons (Luncheon). Also, if is not to much, can be sub-categories of, for example, double bingo, to complete 2 lines, or triple bingo, to complete 3 lines, etc. Super Mario odyssey. Super Mario Odyssey Bingo. (I look nice of 1, 2 and 3 lines, in my opinions). Super Mario Odyssey Challenges. Print. Super Mario Odyssey Bingo. Mario Odyssey bingo card with 7 Nut Moons, 30 Moons (Sand), World Peace (Wooded), 35 Regional Coins (Cascade), All moons (Deep Woods), Go to festival (Metro), World Peace (Seaside), Buy boxer shorts, 40 Regional Coins (Wooded) and 3 slot moonsSuper Mario Odyssey bingo bingo card with Beat Topper (Cap), Collect five moons (Cascade), Beat dragon (Lost), Unlock Darker Side, Complete 15 Toadette missions, Pop 20 balloons in Balloon World, Buy 10 items, Collect all souvenirs, Capture both T Rexs possible (Cascade and Wooded) and Plant five nutsSuper Mario Odyssey (hard) bingo card with A long journey's end (Darker Side), volleyball or jump rope 50 times in a row, Arrival at rabbit ridge (Dark Side), 69 volleyballs in a row, All regional coins in 5 kingdoms, Dino skip or Metro impossible, Collect Moon 41 and 42 without using the frog. Share. Super Mario Odyssey Bingo myfreebingocards. If you need to make any changes go to mfbc. Our bingo card generator randomizes your words or. This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Collect 10 story moons, Get 3 talkatoo moons, 10regonal coins ( metro), 4 unique life up hearts, 3 captain toad moons, 20 moons (sand), 25 regional coins (luncheon,. (Lake Kingdom), 420 jump ropes in a row, Lake Clip and 6900 coins from. Print Bingo Cards Print pages, with 1 2 4 cards per page Show bingo title Include call list Print or DownloadSuper Mario Odyssey 1v1 Challange bingo card with Beat the game with 2player Mode, Control the game with your feet, Hold Controller Upside Down, Beat the game without using the Right Stick, Get 5 Moons from Talkatoo, Beat the game without touching water, Plant 10 Seeds, Collect 5 Moons with your Button Mapping Randomized, Beat Every Boss in the. Normal Card Short Card Long Card. Super Mario Odyssey Challenges bingo card with 3 Sub Areas (Metro), 2 Talkatoo Moons (Wooded), 2 Sub Areas (Cascade), 15 Moons (Bowsers), 20 Regionals (Lake), 10 Moons (Lake), 5 Talkatoo Moons (Luncheon),. This bingo card has 25 words: 30 regional coins (sand), All moons (cascade, All Regional. Super Mario Odyssey Speedrun. com Safety First! Before you print all your bingo cards, please print a test page to check they come out the right size and color. The time start when you enter to a new file, and end when you do a line of the bingo card. Super Mario Odyssey Challenges bingo card with 3 Sub Areas (Metro), 2 Talkatoo Moons (Wooded), 2 Sub Areas (Cascade), 15 Moons (Bowsers), 20 Regionals (Lake), 10 Moons (Lake), 5 Talkatoo Moons (Luncheon), All Story Moons (Sand), 1 Moon (Cloud) and All Story Moons (Luncheon). If your bingo cards have words then please check the spelling carefully. Bingosync is a tool for speedrunners that lets you collaboratively view and edit 'bingo boards' during speedrun races. Bingo Card Generator. Super Mario Odyssey Bingo Board bingo card with Beat a kingdom killing as much as possible, Control the game with your feet, Hold Controller Upside Down, Beat a kingdom without using the Right Stick, Get 5 Moons from Talkatoo, Beat a kingdom without touching water, Plant 10 Seeds, Collect 5 Moons with your Button Mapping Randomized, Beat. Mips Clip and other BLJs are allowed. us/e. About Super Mario 64 Bingo. This bingo card has 25 words: 30 Moons, Secret Path to New Donk City, On Top of the Rubble, 3 Captain Toad Moons, Boxers, Cowboy Outfit, Plush Frog, Rango (Lake) Multi-Moon, Spewart (Wooded) Multi-Moon, Capture a T-Rex, Bowser (Cloud) Fight, Capture a Paragoomba, Knucklotec Multi-Moon, Caveman Outfit, I feel. Mario Odyssey bingo card with 7 Nut Moons, 30 Moons (Sand), World Peace (Wooded), 35 Regional Coins (Cascade), All moons (Deep Woods), Go to festival (Metro), World Peace (Seaside), Buy boxer shorts, 40 Regional Coins (Wooded) and 3 slot moonsWhat happens if SMO speedrunning is all random? That's bingo, baby. Your bingo cards start on Page 4 of this PDF. Super Mario Odyssey Challenges bingo card with 3 Sub Areas (Metro), 2 Talkatoo Moons (Wooded), 2 Sub Areas (Cascade), 15 Moons (Bowsers), 20 Regionals (Lake), 10 Moons (Lake), 5 Talkatoo Moons (Luncheon), All Story Moons (Sand), 1 Moon (Cloud) and All Story Moons (Luncheon). Super Mario Odyssey Challenges bingo card with 3 Sub Areas (Metro), 2 Talkatoo Moons (Wooded), 2 Sub Areas (Cascade), 15 Moons (Bowsers), 20 Regionals (Lake), 10 Moons (Lake), 5 Talkatoo Moons (Luncheon), All Story Moons (Sand), 1 Moon (Cloud) and All Story Moons (Luncheon). This bingo card has 50 words: Get 4 moons (Cap), Get 9 moons (Cascade), Get 20 moons (Sand), Get 12 moons (Lake), Get 20 moons (Wooded), Get 14 moons (Lost), Get 4 moons (Cloud), Get 24 moons (Metro), Get 14 moons (Snow), Get 14 moons (Seaside), Get 22 moons (Luncheon), Get 7 moons (Ruined), Get 12 moons (Bowser's), Get 4 moons. This bingo card has 50 words: Get 4 moons (Cap), Get 9 moons (Cascade), Get 20 moons (Sand), Get 12 moons (Lake), Get 20 moons (Wooded), Get 14 moons (Lost), Get 4.